Celebration of the spirit of BEAR

   Bear is a symbol of a personality balanced between the active and the nurturing personalities.  We all know that bears are strong, can be ferocious, and are to be feared. The grizzlies and polar bears are the most famous for these characteristics. Bears are generally composed, calm, but at a ready to react swiftly. They’re not aggressive unless they’re given a reason. They are unpredictable because they stand strongly within themselves.  The Bear’s characteristics of strength and courage are respected everywhere.
   We also all know the image of the mother and cub – the tender and long nurturing of the young from winter’s hibernation through two years of childhood where the mother teaches the young all it needs to know and ferociously defends it against all threats to its life.  When male bears meet they go through careful gestures like boxing to establish who is the strongest, who has the rights to the best fishing areas, but even a large male will avoid a smaller mothering female because of the ferociousness of these mothers.
   In summer, Bear is outgoing:   adventurous, curious, playful, assertively searching out every edible resource as it relentlessly prepares for winter.  Bears climb trees;  they can walk on their hind feet;   they run amazingly swiftly (up to 35 miles an hour!)  Bears swim; they even have a swim style called snorkeling where they pull along mostly underwater except for their ears, watching for fish.  . 
Living in synch with the seasons, autumn comes and Bear eventually looks for a place to rest with winter.  Bears do not completely hibernate; they go into what’s called a torpor, sleeping most of the time but wake- able if disturbed. Winter in most places is longer than summer; some bears sleep up to seven months of the year!   This requires an enormous amount of eating all through summer and fall.  Bears eat anything:  Meat, fish, berries, honey, nuts, fruits, and anything edible.  
Like all animals except humans, bears mate only when the female is in estrus, about two or three weeks out of the year.  Newborn cubs may have different fathers.  Mothers give birth in the winter torpor and the cubs are unusually small and unformed, but nursing through the winter sleep they grow big enough to handle spring with the energy and curiosity of all young.  The torpor of winter is shaken off slowly as the ground awakens and the bears slowly wake up.
   For most bears winter is the longest season and so cooperation with the spirit of winter is a prime symbol of bear for us humans.  Simply put, they stand for the value of sleep in wintertime!   Winter is a season of receptiveness and allowing.  They spend much of their lives in the activity of sleep – that is,  “dreaming”.  Not knowing the telepathic language of bears, we don’t know the contents of the dreams of bears, but we do know some about the function of dreams for us.  In human dreams we seem to digest the experiences of our active times; we seem to plan future activities;  some of us seem to travel out of our bodies while our bodies are  in our nightly torpor.  Even Bible stories record how humans can be visited in dreams by angels and messengers, warned of danger, given insights about upcoming plagues or interpersonal squabbles.  We don’t always remember what we’ve dreamed but we often awaken with insights and inspirations.  Sleep is a creative and problem-solving activity, where we seem connected to resources larger than our rational minds.  Some theories say we are all connected by a deep river in the unconscious, where we make plans together!
    For us, Bear is a symbol of being closely connected to earth.  Birds are of the air, fish are of the water, some animals live off the earth in trees, some stay awake all winter.  Bear is definitely connected deeply with Earth and does not fight against the seasons. Bear is usually connected with the heart chakra, the middle place uniting the lower and higher, the earth and the spiritual.  Also, Bear is the animal of the goddess Artemis, or Diana, goddess of childbirth. 
    Bears have also always been a symbol of death and rebirth, because of their deep sinking into the unconscious during winter and then arising again into our world active and renewed.
    Bear is a symbol of creativity growing out of the quiet receptiveness of winter.  Newness comes to us not from our rational planning, which hashes over things we already know, but out of the deep receptiveness of sleep.  By shutting down our rational effort and the chattering monkey of our minds, we can allow inspirations to emerge through us.  Whatever purpose we were born with may rise again more clearly by relaxing in sleep.
    As humans, we won’t slip down into the long deep sleep of Bear, but we feel a similar pull in winter to rest more, to be quieter, to contemplate and meditate, to read and reflect.  Seeds of inspiration come to us in winter and we may slowly find new projects emerging within us.   
Spirit of Bear, be with us here as we consider your example.
We appreciate your presence with us on this earth.
We appreciate your great and beautiful spirit.
We ask your forgiveness for any humans who treat you without respect. 
As we now deal with this winter of the year,
 guide us as we try to learn from you.   Especially,  how to flow with the gifts of this season.
 Help us settle into good habits.     May we receive inspiration and renewal,
 and emerge creative and refreshed with the spring.
Being guided by Bear we would not fight the natural gifts of winter.  In our own human ways, we can continue active,  while allowing ourselves more rest, sleep, and work of the spirit.  Let us now take a look at our life situations and how we can incorporate obeying the call of the season, as bear does.  I invite you to close your eyes          and think about your attitude to sleep and rest in this winter time.  Do you push against this impulse too much, resenting the need for more sleep, apologizing for it?  Do you overplan activities for the wintertime?
Scientists tell us that we ALL dream several times a night; that we MUST dream to stay mentally healthy.  Remembering our dreams or benefitting from their inspiration takes practice.  Consider altering your habits   to wake up slowly and gently,  allowing images from the night   to linger in your consciousness.
  Arising slowly,  we might write down glimpses from the night   or inspirations coming to us as regarding our day.  Journalingis a helpful spiritual practice for catching intuitions and inspirations.
   Might we add more inspiring reading into our winter schedule?    Perhaps some regular time for meditation, to practice quieting our monkey mind so that  intuitions,  inspiration,  higher guidance can come to us?
Quiet sharings with friends are another human activity in winter that helps us get in touch with our truer selves and to get insights into the challenges of our lives.  Can we make time for open-ended relaxed chatting with good friends?
Can we treat our bodies more gently in winter, keeping them going with appropriate carefulness, not over-pushing but attending to what our bodies need?   Good nutrition, gentle exercise?
Think now of what practices or changes you might put into your winter days to learn from the healthy example of Bear.


           –  Make dream bundles, requesting special dreams
           – Pass plate of Bear food (berries, nuts, honey, jerky, etc), then leave food for Bear
           Release the elements


The Light Bulb is ON

    “You can’t take it with you”; we’ve heard this many times. These words are so old they fly past with little power,  just a small shove to sort and toss a little more and try again to get organized.
     At age 72, I suddenly realize – THESE WORDS ARE TRUE!    I’m realizing that I’m now somewhere on my finish line; maybe it’s still a long way off, or not.  But I’m peering down a path where I can see it in the mist – the cliff’s edge!  And I REALLY, TRULY, CANNOT TAKE ANYTHING WITH ME OVER THE EDGE!
NOTHING!  Not even one outfit of clothes!!  Not even my body itself!
Now I see more clearly.  The only thing I’ll be able to bring with me with is:
   1) Anything I’ve learned,
   2) Any growth in my personhood, like, power from inside myself,
   3) All my memories:   loves, hates, mistakes, successes, joys, heartbreaks; disappointments and
   4) the people who live in my heart will be there still, forever.
      This is what I can carry with me when I drop my body and return to being pure consciousness. 
This certainly makes it easier to sort and toss!  All I have to do now is check with those who I’ll (probably) have to leave behind about what THEY WANT of all the “precious” junk I’ve accumulated. 
   They have their own junk; excuse me, “treasures/mementos” , to stash and enjoy again in their later years. How many of my treasures are treasures to them?  Would they even know the people I think of when I pick up this little chotcky or that?  Even if I write on each object what it is,  it won’t carry for them the heart-touch it carries for me.  And they will have all my boxes to stash away somewhere and move from place to place.
Think, me.
  How many belongings of my parents’, grandparents’, great grandparents’ have I chosen to keep, or been able to keep?  I do have a very few precious things that belonged to one great-grandparent and these I treasure.  A black friend was surprised when I brought something out of my great-grandmother’s:  he has nothing from his ancestors at all. But most of us don’t even know the names of our great grandparents; not even their names endure over time! At some point,  all traces of us disappear from the earth!
    I do have a few stories that have been past to me.  What I would treasure most would be traces of the thoughts of my ancestors: any writings, journals, letters, precious books make me feel like they were real people and give me clues about their struggles and strengths, what they learned and tried to do while they here before me.   I hope I can leave as much as possible of these kinds of treasures from my life to endure for as long as they’re helpful to those who follow me. 
     But what to do with my many, many “things” which probably no one else wants to hang onto indefinitely?  I first check with my progeny about any possible “family treasures.”  Failing that test, I take my treasures and some I bury in the back yard, some I burn in the fireplace, doing all with proper last respect for whomever or whatever they symbolize to me.
  And then I feel lighter.
Of course, if there’s any useful value left for others, I give them to my favorite resale shop.  Letters from my old friends I give to their children. Pictures – some I toss and others I mark;  digital pictures I’m developing and sending to those who are in them. Printed pictures endure; digital pictures seem to float off into folders on a computer that become overloaded and unmarked and get lost in cyberspace.
    This is a unloading is a strange process.  But even should I live a long life yet, being able to live in smaller quarters will lighten my burdens, too.  In Hinduism, the third stage of life is called something like “the forest dweller”, when one goes off to ponder and become wise and live with neither responsibilities nor many needs.  I think women have not traditionally done this as we never stop feeling responsible and caring toward family and friends, but we too, move toward simple living and gleaning some wisdom from our lives.  My friend Joyce told about the brother of her Indian friend, Maya.  He was giving away everything to move to the United States.  He brought nothing but one suitcase with him and everyone thought it strange.  While traveling here to his destination, he was caught in a train accident and his life was finished!  It seemed to his family that he had known this was coming.
   For me I don’t feel that my end is close, but I simply know I own way too much and I can’t just junk it without looking at each thing once more, enjoying it as a treasure of my living, and then remembering that I’m responsible to clean up after myself.  I’ve spent many years of my life cleaning up after other loved one’s who died unexpectedly; I don’t want to leave a burden for my loved ones while they’re trying to live their own lives.
   Item by item I am lightening my load.  Trying not to add much, subtracting more.   If there’s anything I have that my friends might want, I invite them to speak up!  I’m happy to find a new home for all the treasures of my interesting life, which has been so full of surprises and riches.  I must empty my trunks…

Dream Healing and my Trip to Greece

      “Nothing can guarantee a miracle.  Nothing stops us, however, from seeking one,” wrote Dr. Ed Tick in his book, The Practice of Dream Healing.  For a thousand years, sanctuaries from Asia Minor to Rome called upon the Greek god Asklepios for improved health.  Though the services were free to all, seekers were required to be active in their healing.  First came ten days of centering and purifying:  massage, hot baths, herbs, meditation, counseling, nutrition, exercise, rest, plus music and drama, which the Greeks saw as therapeutic. When a dream or natural event showed that the god saw them as ready, the seeker went into the abaton, an underground chamber.  There they fasted and
lay still until Asklepios came in a healing dream and showed the underlying cause of the problem.
    I read Dr.Tick’s book with fascination as I have a curvature in my lower back for which I’m always seeking help, and also because dreams have become a reliable source of guidance for me.   Occasionally I’ve been given explicit instructions in dreams.  I often awaken in the morning with a songline in my head which seems to summarize my dreams, as if some Power-behind-my-dreaming wants to be sure I get the point.
   Dr. Tick says that whenever six people are ready to go to Greece to do their healing work, he’ll guide them.  “Am I ready to be healed?” I asked myself. “Yes!” answered my heart.   I contacted him to make this trip.   
     In March 2005 a group formed.  I worked furiously to prepare.   When April arrived, I experienced puzzling dreams. On Easter Sunday I awoke with an alarming songline:
”Beat the drum slowly
Play the fife lowly,
Play the death march as they carry me along.
Take me to green valleys
And lay the sod o’er me
For I’m a young cowboy and know I’ve done wrong.”
     Startling!  Especially the lines “I know I’ve done wrong” as I don’t see death or suffering as punishments but as moments of change.    Perhaps “I’ve done wrong” referred to a wrong decision.
   Three days before departure, I awoke with this songline:
“Um ummm …freight train.
I’m leaving today,
going away.
I’m going and I’m not coming back.”
Tuesday morning, April 11th, departure-for-Greece day.
   4:26 a.m. Again:
 “Um ummm …freight train.
I’m leaving today,
going away.
I’m going and I’m not coming back.”
   4:35 a.m.  Dream:  I’m trying to kill an intelligent, mystical Byzantine priest.  Unable to do so, I contain him in an egg.  Eventually I discover he has listened to music on a radio inside the egg, which relaxed him and enabled him to survive.
   7:39 a.m. again, the songline:  “I’m leaving today, I’m going away, I’m going and I’m not coming back.”  
    I arose with a dilemma:  leave for Greece?  Or not?  The time pressure was intense.  These messages could have just been about transformation, which can seem like death, but their explicitness affected me.  I began to think about not going. 
   I asked myself, “Why would dreams of warning come to a person?”  These seemed to give an option, as if I might die but I didn’t have to.  I felt clear that I did want to live.
     Then, “What do I truly believe about the purpose and power of dreams? If I don’t take my dreams here seriously, why go to Greece to pretend that dreams can be powerful and significant?”
     I remember one thing I’ve learned from Quakers about discernment of leadings from God:  clarity is possible.  I kept trying for clarity. Many people try various forms of logic for decisions, but logic had often led me into regrets.  What about “fatalism?”  The Greeks believed in destiny.  If it’s time for me to die, perhaps I should just let it happen. After thinking and feeling, I decided if I was going to err, I’d err in favor of staying alive.
     The dream about the Byzantine priest in the egg was still mysterious.  Was it some part of me that I’ve tried to kill and not succeeded?  Maybe the intuitive part that can act without understanding?  The Byzantine tradition loves symbolism, does not analyze it but honors it as contact with the sacred.  In that tradition, rational analysis does not interfere with faith that we are upheld by Something.  And dreams and songlines, i.e. “the radio,” had kept this intuitive part of me alive!
     I called Dr. Tick.  He said he’d respect whatever I decided; he knew that dreams may bring messages from our Higher Guidance.  I asked how to reach him should I change my mind, but even as I spoke the choice was made: there’d be no trip to Greece. I’d have felt worse to go than I felt bad to not go.  Peace came.
     The effort and stress left me exhausted. I napped deeply with no idea of what should come next.  
    Wednesday 4:01 a.m. songline, and again upon arising:
”I saw the Light,  I saw the Light!
No more darkness, No more night.
Now I’m so happy, no sorrow in sight.
Praise the Lord! I saw the Light!”
    I began days of centering and purification.   Friends thought I was in Greece, so the phone was quiet.  I built a fire in the fireplace, rested, journalled.  I got a massage, went to the Japanese spa, avoided coffee and sugar, spent time in prayer and meditation.  By the fire each day I did whatever I felt led to do. I allowed myself to be bored, to see what might be in that space I call boredom.
     Saturday  2:16 a.m.   I scribbled in the dark: “Hawaii, the place of healing.”  In the morning I recorded, “All night I dreamt about Hawaii and heard its music.”  I tried to keep myself in obedience, even while I felt enthusiasm for this place of natural beauty that I love.  (“Enthusiasm:” Greek, meaning “to be possessed by a god”.)
   Sunday 12:11 a.m. Dream: “I see a road going up to a beautiful outlook over the ocean, but at the top the road curves around and comes back.”   Quite a contrast with the songlines about Greece and not coming back.
   Monday p.m. April 23rd    Falling asleep, it occurred to me that tonight I might have my Asklepion healing dream.  By the ancient tradition, the god would come to me in the form of a snake or dog or cock.  If I were in Greece at Epidauros, Dr. Tick would wrap me in blankets and stay beside me all night till I’d had a dream of healing significance.  Here I made myself as still and cocoon-like as possible.
   2:48 a.m.  I see a caricature of a snake telling me to “pay attention now.”
   4:47 a.m.  The dream ends with “Go to the ocean, but first…”  Then long scenes about continuing this work. Then a marriage scene with a big party:  maybe opposite characteristics in myself coming into balance?
   And finally, Thursday, 6:58 a.m.  “I am dreaming plans for Hawaii.” Usually I awaken and make plans resulting from a dream, but now I had made plans within the dreaming. The comic snake had smiled on me.  I accepted that Hawaii was a natural healing place for me and began arrangements for a wonderful trip to that place of health. 

How I learned that dreams are helpful.

     Many years back, I felt the impulse to learn French.  I didn’t have time to take a class. I also knew that pronunciation is the big challenge in French so it would be best to wait till I could study under someone. Then for two nights in a row, I dreamt whole dreams in French!  I didn’t know what I was saying, as my conscious mind doesn’t know French, but I knew I was talking in French all night as my dream adventures moved on.
     So, I figured that perhaps it was safe for me to try to teach myself as I seemed to already know French at some level.  I had a little tourist book that had common French phrases with a phonetic description of how to pronounce words and I began to work with that.  I should say “play” as I promised myself this would be a hobby and not something I make myself stress over.  The French phrase book became my bathroom study.  My grandfather had kept his Bible by the toilet so I figured anything was fair game for quick reading there.  And this was supposed to be “play.”
     I was enjoying this diversion for a couple weeks when I came upon something I couldn’t figure out:  the pronunciation of the simple common words leand la; these both mean the article the in its masculine and feminine forms.  The description in the phrase book of how to pronounce these came out the same for me.
     Then one night I had this dream:  I saw a little boy.  Then I saw the inside of a mouth.  The tongue was touching the roof of the mouth towards the back of the mouth.  Thus the sound would come out more in the throat, like luh.  Then I saw a little girl and then the inside of a mouth.   The tip of the tongue was now touching the top of the mouth toward the front of the mouth.  The sound would thus come out more like lah.
     To this day I do not know from who or where this information came to me,  but it greatly encouraged me to ask for help and advice before I go to sleep. Many more times I’ve received responses like this, where a dream has clarified something for me.
     Perhaps I should add that I often wondered “Why does it feel so important for me to learn French?”  There was no practical reason.  But I noticed that one has to hold one’s face and even body in a slightly different way when speaking French than one does when speaking English.  There’s a demeanor required in order to speak French properly. I think there’s a demeanor to every language. This demeanor felt like “not me,” very foreign.  It felt more self confident than I usually felt!  It was an assertive stance.  I began to think something in me was trying to strengthen my personality a bit!  To this day, that’s my interpretation of this phenomena in my life.  And, incidentally, I taught myself French well enough to pass out of first semester college French!

How I Got Out of the Convent

      A very slight shift it was, but it put me on a new path that began to diverge away from exterior obedience and increasingly towards hearing and trusting my own inner guide.
      I was raised a Roman Catholic, a warm world full of symbols and color and ecstatic images of devotion, love, and noble aspirations.   But there were some traps.  The idea that had its jaws around me was the teaching called “original sin” and the consequent need for salvation. This belief tells us that as soon as we’ve taken a breath into the world we are sinful because our ancestors ate an apple when they were told not to;  that the almighty creator-of-all required the horrible death of his son to make amends for this; that suffering is a noble way to show our love to this almighty power who is still said to be loving and merciful.  The glorification of suffering was the spider web that had me trapped.
      For various reasons, by the time I was a teenager my mind was a mess.  I lived in a dual world.  During the schoolyear my life was a small farm town, high school class of 44 students;  summers were spent at a camp for rich city girls, a camp whose mission was to make Christian leaders out of us, champions of great deeds in the world. I felt I was unable to succeed well in either place, but that I did have something to give to the world.    My talents seemed in academics.  I loved to learn, and felt especially attracted to subjects like literature, philosophy, theology – instinctively searching for ways to look at life that might help me feel happier.  I had not yet discovered psychology, and any self-help books I encountered were based in the Christian trap-story (sacrifice, unselfishness, noble suffering).
    My one hope, what attracted me, was to go to a great place of learning – our state university – where I could be challenged academically as I felt capable of doing.  With trepidation, I placed the secret longing of my heart before my father.  He quickly said “No. You’d just be a little fish in a big sea.  You’ll be homesick like [his] sister was at a big state college” (though she stayed and finished there!).  Thus quickly my dream was snuffed out.  I knew nothing about scholarships, there were no counselors in our high school, there weren’t even jobs in our town of 500 people!  So now I had to find another path to a future.
     I became ever more religious, praying for guidance.   In those days (the 50’s-60’s) women did not choose to live unmarried.  My dad referred to two single sisters in our extended family as “the old maids,” even though they were teachers and had traveled all over the world. Perhaps because neither of my parents had ever seemed happy in their marriage, I did not see myself getting married, and even less did I have any interest in raising children.  How to avoid the pressures to get married?
     I often heard mention in passing of a holy spirit, the “Holy Ghost”, who was said to bring us wisdom and comfort, guidance and courage, but our religious practices did not relate much to this promising presence.  Most of our practices emphasized our sinful state and the incredible suffering it took for Jesus to rescue us from this.   I thought “If God is the almighty and loving father, he would help me see a path, like my father would if he could, imperfect as he [was].”  Becoming a nun seemed an option, a possible but unclear path to the academic and service work I longed for.  I wasn’t thrilled about the idea of wearing odd clothes and being separated from the world that so interested me, but it was a path that would protect me from pressure to marry.   Another appealing feature of the convent at that point of my life was having someone else responsible to make decisions for me!
      I looked over the different orders of nuns and chose one based on their lifestyle, not their work.  One goal I had identified for my future was to try to be a saint.  Saints were the best!  The path of the saints had been laid out before me as the example par excellence of a person dedicated to doing good.    Another trap door?  The saints not only did great deeds helping the poor and suffering, but to qualify for sainthood one had to suffer a lot oneself, maybe die for the cause, sacrifice much, be misunderstood and humiliated.  If the saints were happy and their lives went smoothly, it was not advertised.
      This order was a missionary order, teaching and healing in Africa and South America.  I had no interest in being a missionary but I didn’t notice this at all.  These nuns lived the simple life like St. Francis of Assisi: they got out there and mowed their own grass, chopped down trees on the wild wooded hills around them.  They did not have private swimming pools and roller rinks as some American orders did but they recreated by singing (they were Italian), applepicking and whatever simple joys they could create.
   The summer before I entered I took college credit classes through my longed-for university in a  camp-like setting.  My roommate was a wonderful friend but some kind of atheist or agnostic and this was a surprising experience for me. In addition, I dated all I could.  With every guy I kept thinking “This is my last kiss, – forever!”  It was just some kind of luck that kept me a virgin to the end of the summer.
    By the time I entered the convent in the fall, I hardly knew if there was a god or not.  But I thought “I committed to try this, and it will at least be an ‘interesting experience’ to add to my list of interesting life experiences.”
     However, one does not trifle with God.  Once there, I found that everyone else took my “calling” seriously, and took “God” seriously, and I did not see an easy way out.
     The thinking about vocations to the religious life was another trap.  It was felt that God calls us, not that we chose Him.  One enters the convent feeling that perhaps she is being called to do this.  It is, of course, a great honor to be called to this special life; sometimes nuns are called “brides of Christ.” And how could one say ‘No’ if God himself were calling?  If after all, God is not calling one to this, God will make his will known by a sign:  one might get sick, or one’s parents die and one must go home to take care of the siblings.   I kept watching myself for sickness but nothing happened.  No sign came that God did not want me here.
      We were allowed to “consult” about our calling.  There was a nun in our nearby house who was considered wise and holy so I asked my superior if I could go talk with Sister Angelica.  Mother Superior approved.
     I went.  Sister Angelica asked me, “Do you like to pray?”  I answered truthfully, “Yes.”  I loved to pray at that time, to have quiet time from emotional pressures, to try to find a clear path, asking for guidance from that Father and/or Son who I was told loved me so much.  “Do you want to spend your life serving God and helping other people?” she asked.  “Yes. Yes, I do,” I answered.  “That’s exactly what I want to do with my life.” “Then it sounds like you’re called to be a nun,” she told me.
    You see, there was a general thought among Catholics at that time that lay people were called by God to populate the earth and carry on commerce.  Anyone called to a life of prayer and service was being called to be a nun or priest or monk. 
   So I returned and continued to try to answer the call to be a nun. But life in the convent was hard for me.  A severe curvature in my lower back has always made it difficult for me to stand on my feet for long; kneeling is particularly painful.  Being young, I just did whatever I had to do, but convent life was exhausting and painful for me.  Also, I was only the third American to enter this order,  and no other girls entered at that time with me, so I was alone in my classes and training.  This was especially hard the second year when I had become a novice, wearing the habit, and spending most of every day alone with my novice mistress.  The nuns were wonderful people but the life was hard, lonely, and tiring for me.  I quietly past my twenty first birthday in the convent.
     Every now and then I’d see another wise, holy person and ask if I could go consult with them about my vocation.  They would always ask the same kinds of questions:  “Do you like to pray?”  (Yes….) Do you want to spend your life serving God and helping other people?  (Yes…)  “Then, it seems you’re called to be a nun.”
        At one point we were all doing a silent retreat; I asked if I could talk with the retreat master about my vocation.  Of course this was approved and I went in to try again for some clarity in my endless feeling of confusion.  This priest was experienced in counseling nuns.  He just asked me one question:  “Are you happy?”  This was easy to answer.  “No,” I said.  “Then you’re not called to be a nun,” the priest said simply.
    I was out of there within twenty four hours.  I thought I was just obeying the priest.  But as soon as I was home, I could feel my body relax and my spirit begin to lighten.  I felt health and strength coming back.  Then it began to dawn on me that I had known all along that I did not have this vocation.  Even my body knew.  Something in me had kept me searching for the way out; I would never have stopped asking wise, holy people until I found one that said what I knew but could not say – this was not the life I was called to.
     It would be many more years before I found my way through all the ideas that supported exterior obedience:  to people, beliefs, practices, ideals, that did not give me strength to be true to myself.  It was  like swimming through underground channels trying to find an open path, a way that felt natural, joyful, and affirmed me.  I did at last  find my way up to to the sunshine.
    While I don’t expect to be happy every day of my life, I’ve learned that a general sense of well-being is a sign of doing the right thing, and conversely any situation that drains and pulls one down is a “sign from God” to change something.  Never in my life was I taught this – that to be happy was a sign of doing the right thing. 
    For me, God the father and God the son did not save me but kept me ensnared, focused on them.   It has been that quiet Holy Spirit who has been with me all along and still speaks inside my breast, affirming and nurturing me with the unfaltering dedication of a mother,  She has guided me home. 
           – Published in Acupuncture for Your Soul, Wheatmark, Tucson Az, ed. Rae Jacobs, 2016.

Swimming with Wild Dolphins

     How did I lose my courage?  The first day we came out, I was the adventurous one, jumping into this northern Florida bay enthusiastically when Richard, our French-Swiss guide, would call, “Here they come; off to the left!”   Nat was seasick and threw up all afternoon. I didn’t come here because this was one of my own heart’s dreams.  This is one of Nat’s things-I-want-to-do-before -I-die adventures, but it was I who’d quickly put my fins and snorkel and goggles on and plopped right in, heading off wherever Richard said.  Once I jumped in too soon before he’d slowed the pontoon, and I got a hard smack on the head from the boat.  Undaunted, I headed off towards the dolphins.
    I tried to do all that Richard told us:  “Be graceful, and playful.  They’re attracted to playfulness.”  That was difficult; to remember how to breathe with the snorkel, swim fast towards where we see them, but try to swim “gracefully”, and also be “playful.”  I suppose I actually looked ridiculous trying to do all that, but I gave it my all that first day.
      Yesterday Nat participated more.  She took medicine so now she could begin doing what we all came for – that Natalie could swim with the wild dolphins.  She can’t even swim!   All she can do is dog paddle, and here we are out in the ocean!  But this didn’t hold her back one moment yesterday; she has cancer, her days might be numbered; she’s not going to let fear hold her back from living fully now.
      Yesterday was warm but windy and choppy; we left the secluded sand bar area where mostly the dolphin mothers and babies are found and we spent a lot of time out in the open ocean. What luck that we’re here in May, ‘cuz it’s mating season.  We even got up close to see them in threesomes playing together, so engrossed in their own mating games they didn’t pay attention to us.  We saw marvels:  the “walking on water” phenomenon, lots of leaping out of the water and lots of cavorting around together.  I was more used to the snorkel yesterday, but Nat was still learning.  We all gave up on trying to dive down to see them underwater.  The coordination of breathing with the snorkel and diving down is too much to remember in the hurry of the moments when the dolphins are coming. 
      Actually, I think I’m a bit exhausted today from this thing of swimming in the choppy ocean towards the direction they’re coming.   They change direction fast, and they’re swimming about 20 times as fast as I am; then all of a sudden they’re somewhere else so we change direction and swim hard again; then they change direction again.  I think that’s part of my problem today – I cannot keep up swimming with wild dolphins!
     Today’s a little calmer.  Richard has sent Chris, the Canadian intern, out with a bubble machine to swim around us.  “They’re curious about bubbles,” he says, “and they may come around more.” 
    Here they come, just as he said!   OK;  in I go again.
    Yay,  they ARE here! 
    Whoa!  Oh my God.  One just touched me; he swam right by my elbow.  Oh my God!   They are BIG; they are really BIG!  They’re swimming so fast around us.  This is scary!   Oh crap!  Another one below me; I’m trying to look down in the water.  Here it comes,  – beside me!   Oh my God again! 
Whoops.    I think-  this is- enough for me.  I’m heading for the pontoon.  This is a little closer to wild dolphins than I want to be.
    Whew.  I can just sit here with Richard and watch; watching satisfies me fine.  I’ll take photos.   Nat is loving this!   Look at her.  This makes me happy; Nat is truly in her element.  I suppose growing up on a farm gives her a different experience with them.  To me, they’re too big, but she’s used to being around big friendly animals like cows and horses.   Not me; I’m used to feeling small even around other humans!  I know these dolphins are friendly, but their speed and size are – well, beautiful to watch.  Makes me think of being in the middle of a herd of gentle friendly excited buffalo.
      Well, I haven’t failed at a thing, because I didn’t come here at my own initiative.  I came because of Nat, and she’s having her marvelous experience.  This is a whole lot better than back when she stayed at my house through chemo and radiation.  Back when she’d cry in agony between vomiting and constipation, when her mind was so muddled she could hardly stand up at times, and her spirits were crawling along the bottom of the ocean.  Now she’s finished all that and they say she’s clean; now she’s here swimming at the top of the ocean with beautiful creatures, and it gives me joy to be with her.
    Now she’s already said what the next thing is she wants to “do before she dies.”   Hmm.  Can I see myself in the cloud forests of Costa Rica, in a harness, flying like Tarzan through the canopy of the trees of the jungle?  I, who am afraid of heights, who don’t even like big Ferries wheels anymore?  Hmm.  But on the other hand, can I say No to someone I love so much?  We’ve been friends for 40 years; sometimes it feels like we’ve known each other “always”, like in many lifetimes.  I cannot yet picture myself swinging through the trees in the jungle, but I also cannot picture myself not going with Nat, not supporting her in her longing, not being with her in her special experiences, as we both approach the finishing years of our lives.                                2005